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Beginners Course with Kesley


In this beginners course, we will be covering the very core basics of walking a line. Intended for women who have very little experience in slacklining and even those who have never even walked a line before, we are focusing on you! This course will be running through the steps of how to find your mount on the line. We will be practicing with three different mounts, one of which will be based from the ground, and the other two will be mounts that you can later use in your highlining and longlining ambitions. We will also be running through the basics on how to statically sit and lay down on the line. This is all about focus, new beginnings and most importantly, BREATH! You can't be holding in your breath when you hop onto your first highline, so we're going to practice the mentality you will create on your new adventure within slacklining.

Redefining Balance with Adi


Taking the practice of slacklining to new forms of balance and perspective, this class focuses on transitioning through various static poses while also linking movement to breath. Intended for students who have some experience with walking the line as well as starting to turn and try out some static poses, this class offers variations and transitions for poses including kneeling, sitting, lying down, standing lunges, inversions & splits so as to further advance what we consider to be “balance” on a line. Recommended for intermediate to advanced slackliners however beginner slackers are more than welcome to join in and work on some of the foundational poses.


For more info please check out:

Rigging with Heather


Rigging is an essential skill to have once you have moved past the basics of slacklining and want to put up longer or higher lines. These skills will give you the independence to set up a line that is perfect for you anytime you want to slack! This course will cover both longlining and highline rigging.The topics that will be covered include:


*Comparing different types of webbing (type 18, ProLine, TubeLine, climb spec, mantra, vectran, threaded lines, and more...) and discussing the advantages and drawbacks of each.

*Setting up anchors that are safe both for the slackliner and for the trees. In the case of highlining, we will discuss how to attach anchors on bolted lines and how to make your system redundant.


*Comparing different line attachment hardware, the pros and cons to each one, and how to correctly attach the line.


*Exploring different tensioning systems including 9-1 / 5-1 pulley systems and lever hoists. We will cover pulley threading, organizing systems on rigging plates, attaching an external brake / working with systems that have internal brakes, attaching and using different types of multipliers, and how to maximize your pulling power. You will learn how to make the most out of the mechanical advantage as well as how to reduce weight when you are packing a system in.


*Highline and longline safety: checking for webbing damage, ensuring system redundancy, avoiding tri-loading, working well below breaking strength limitations, backing up your system, attaching and wearing leashes, anchoring in while rigging and more...


**Important: Although this course will give you the basic knowledge necessary to rig a highline, it is essential to project with experienced highline riggers until you gain a significant amount of experience before attempting to rig a highline on your own.**

Highlining Techniques with Emily


This course will cover the following necessary techniques for a positive highline experience: 


* Mounting (various ways to go from sitting to standing up on a highline). 


* Catching the line during a fall.


* How to climb the leash and remount the highline after a fall.


* Mental and physical techniques to practice during your highline attempts. 



These are the courses that will be offered at the festival. On the first day you will have the oppportunity to sign up for your courses.

All Girls Slackline Festival - Moab, Utah

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